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I deeply value the collaboration and synergy between science, art, humanities and business, in a modern expression of polymathy. I firmly believe in the power that is generated when these fields combine to address global challenges. Sustainability, like a guiding light, governs this union, and I see this synergy as the key to a beautiful and sustainable future for humanity.
Polymathy is a concept that evokes the golden age of the sages of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, as well as scholars who have shone throughout all time. It constitutes a beacon of admiration in my intellectual universe. In those times, great scholars wove a mantle of knowledge that spanned multiple disciplines, an exquisite dance between science, philosophy, and art. This dance, this symphony of knowledge, not only enriched their lives, but also distilled an elixir of genius in their contributions to the world. Today, we find ourselves at a crossroads where specialization reigns, and although this path has its value, I believe that polymathy has a unique value that can take us much further in the search for solutions that provide greater benefits to humanity.
Polymathy, the relentless pursuit of knowledge in a diverse range of fields, transcends the limits of vision and creativity. By embracing the interconnection between disciplines, it awakens endless possibilities and uncovers the very essence of innovation. Like the great polymaths of yesteryear, whose minds spread wings ranging from anatomy to engineering, or like Ibn Sina, whose intellect spread like a mighty river through the lands of medicine and philosophy, polymathy remains a beacon that illuminates the path to excellence.
To name a few of the countless examples throughout history, we find polymaths like Leonardo da Vinci, a man who spanned fields from anatomy to engineering and left an indelible mark on history. Also, Voltaire, whose talents spanned philosophy, literature and politics, leaving a deep mark on Enlightenment thought. Isaac Newton, a genius of physics and mathematics, whose law of universal gravitation remains fundamental in modern science. Marie Curie, a prominent scientist whose achievements in physics and chemistry made her the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize and whose legacy lives on in scientific research.
In our world in perpetual mutation, polymathy emerges as a master key to decipher the enigmas of the present. We should not confine ourselves to a single tower of knowledge; rather, we should soar through the vast constellations of human knowledge. In this exploration, the alchemy of interdisciplinarity can birth bold solutions and unleash a symphony of creativity with an echo that reaches our society and beyond, leaving a lasting legacy of positive transformation.
This does not imply that specialization is without merit. On the contrary, it is necessary to achieve certain achievements that can only be achieved by experts, those versed in a particular topic. In a work team, there must be experts in each of the fields addressed, but also polymaths who have diverse knowledge and lead that team. Therefore, all team leaders and managers should practice interdisciplinarity and the more they know about different fields, the more achievements their team will achieve. Because? Because they will know how to guide them and will have enough knowledge to give them the creativity necessary to make the best decisions. As I like to say: "with an eagle's vision" that sees the prey from a long distance. This is something that a person who is an expert in a single subject cannot achieve, since they do not have that "eagle vision." However, it is essential that the person specialized in a topic exhaustively explains to his polymath leader all his findings, problems and achievements, so that he, together with the findings of the rest of the team and his multidisciplinary training, can guide the team through the path that leads to achieving the highest objectives.
Polymathy is not only a tribute to those who have illuminated the pages of history with their multidimensional genius, but also a call to embrace the diversity of knowledge and the interconnectedness of disciplines in our journey towards a brighter, more sustainable and enriching future. .
I am a polymath's apprentice, I have never stopped studying, it is like a hobby that I have... But after so many years studying, I am sure of two things: one, that I still don't know anything; and the other, that I will always be an apprentice, I will never become the polymath I dream of.